Thursday, June 12, 2008

Malcolm, Albright reconcile. Support Obama...

Sam Stein wrtites for The Huffington Post:

Several of Hillary Clinton's most influential female supporters, urged members of the pro-choice, pro-female candidate group, EMILY'S List to overcome their grief over Clinton's loss and throw their support behind Barack Obama. There were tepid and then more sustained cheers.

Speaking at group's annual luncheon celebrating in Washington D.C., Ellen Malcolm, EMILY's List's founder and director, offered a highly personalized plea for Democratic unity, saying that the possibility of a John McCain presidency outweighed political grudges.

"I have been meandering my way through the various stages of grief: sadness, bargaining, anger, and my personal favorite dessert," she said to a crowd of approximately 900. "And so for the sake of my waistline as much less the sake of the party and country, I will follow Hillary Clinton and say it is time for the party to come together."

The crowd applauded. Later in the event, former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, another Clinton supporter, declared that "we are all in one campaign now" and "the reality is that this year the Democratic Party produced not one but two candidates who are qualified to win in November." She was greeted with a more enthusiastic reception.

(Full Article)

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